Academic Overview
Our Bible Program is grounded in the Biblical history of redemption, the centrality of Christ in all of the Bible’s teachings, and the nature of our triune God. As Christians, the approach to history can only be understood as God’s providential actions in the course of human events. Using the Bible as the primary foundation of understanding, history is the record of man from creation, through the fall, redemption, and final restoration.
Since God is the original communicator and we are made in His image, our Language Arts Program provides a foundation for the study of all areas of discipline in training students to develop their listening, reading, writing, thinking, and speaking skills in order to accurately understand, articulate, and apply the truths of Scripture to all aspects of their lives. Further, students will be trained to measure all forms of communication, whether sacred or secular, by the truths given in Scripture. By third grade, our students are learning three languages: English grammar and vocabulary, Latin roots, and scratch computer coding.
Our Science Curriculum is designed to develop in our students a Biblical worldview with regard to the wonders of nature, the content and limitations of science, and scientific exploration. The study of math will enable students to better understand God in the areas of orderliness, precision, and His unchanging nature. Further, mathematical knowledge provides a tool to enable students to apply the analytical concepts and mathematical reasoning necessary to function in God’s world.
Believing that God addresses the holistic nature of man, Covenant Christian School offers enrichment content in Art, Music, and Physical Education. Since a divine esthetic and artistic expression is found in the beauty of the creation and mentioned in the Scriptures, art and music will be taught as a way to reflect God’s glory in this aspect. The believer’s body being the temple of the Holy Spirit (I Corinthians 6:19), students will be taught to properly care for the body through appropriate nutrition and exercise.
Being rooted in the classical tradition, the school will apply the various methods of the trivium—Grammar, Logic, and Rhetoric—commensurate with the student’s development and achievement in the various disciplines. Believing that Latin is a good foundation for the acquisition of the Romance languages—French, Italian, Portuguese, Romanian, Spanish—and English grammar, students will intensely study Latin in third through eighth grades with the goal of translating Western literary masterpieces written in Latin. In order to sharpen student’s reasoning and critical thinking, logic—fallacy detection, propositional, symbolic—are offered to Logic School students.
Student Profile
“Choose my instruction instead of silver, knowledge rather than choice gold, for wisdom is more precious than rubies, and nothing you desire can compare with her." Proverbs 8:10-11
Robert Little John and Charles T. Evans write in their book Wisdom and Eloquence, “…curriculum design begins with the ultimate or strategic objectives for each student in view”.
At Covenant Christian School we choose to follow the Apostle Paul’s example of intentionality: “But the goal of our instruction is love from a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith” (NASB, I Timothy 1:5). Just as Paul was intentional in specifying love as the ultimate goal of his instruction, so we have specified the ultimate outcomes that we envision of our students in the student profile.